How to Reengage Quiet Quitters
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

How to Reengage Quiet Quitters

Quiet quitters are the disengaged employees of our time. It’s not a new phenomenon, but we’ve got a new way of handling it.

Learn 6 tips for how to reengage employees who’ve lost their spark and 4 reasons why coaching might be a good leadership approach to use with them.

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What Most Leaders Get Wrong About Coaching
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

What Most Leaders Get Wrong About Coaching

Coaching is such a different approach to leadership…it’s no wonder leaders are confused about it!

Here are four common mistakes that leaders make when trying to coach their team members. We’ve even included a litmus test to help you discern whether or not your approach would be called “coaching.”

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Smart Leaders Know How to Ask Dumb Questions</a>
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

Smart Leaders Know How to Ask Dumb Questions

Most leaders think they need to have the answer. Leaders who coach their people know they need to find the best question—the one that clarifies and expands a person’s perspective.

We often call these “powerful questions.” And a smart leader also knows how and when to ask the “dumb” question!

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Change Your Questions, Change Your Life
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life

With our relentless and urgent need for information and decisions, we favor leaders who display a bias for action. Those same leaders also face complex decisions and nuanced information which require the opposite: quiet reflection.

The value of reflection is only as high as the quality of the questions you ask.

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Debrief Like a Carrier Aviator
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

Debrief Like a Carrier Aviator

Aviators have obvious skills around aircraft handling, navigation, and communication, but did you know that they are also professional debriefers?

Here are a few tips for using an aviation-style debrief with your team.

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How to Go Deeper in Your Listening
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

How to Go Deeper in Your Listening

How do you know whether you’re hearing someone or listening to them?

Whether a leader is merely hearing or truly listening—and the degree to which they are listening—determines the degree of impact they will have on their team members. The deeper the listening, the more profound the impact.

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Is Coaching a “Silver Bullet?”
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

Is Coaching a “Silver Bullet?”

Leading people comes with complex challenges, and cracking the code on employee motivation is near the top. Would coaching your team help?

Short answer: Yes. But read on for the full explanation.

In this article, we break motivation down into three key components and explain how you can positively impact each of them.

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Stop New Managers from Making Epic Fails
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

Stop New Managers from Making Epic Fails

No, this is not how you ride a bike. Yes, I survived this crash just fine with just a couple of bruises and sore muscles. But when it comes to new managers, their teams are not always so fortunate.

Let’s explore the three biggest mistakes new managers make with their teams and how to correct course.

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"Low Hanging Fruit" Is Rotten
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

"Low Hanging Fruit" Is Rotten

When leaders receive employee survey results, why is their next step always to “go for the low hanging fruit?”

Going after “low hanging fruit” is usually not the smart choice. Try this instead, and reap a better harvest.

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Why Most People Think Coaching Sucks
Leadership Jenn Campbell Leadership Jenn Campbell

Why Most People Think Coaching Sucks

Ever have a lousy experience with a coach? I recently did, and I was reminded of why people think coaching sucks.

Read this short article to learn how not to become “that guy!” I’ve captured the lessons that stood out to me, and they’re the three things that most people HATE about “coaching.”

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